【For Vietnam】Các biện pháp ứng phó với giá nguyên liệu thô tăng cao:Sê-ri máy cắt SPC
- Gran cutter (Improving the recycling rate)
【For Vietnam】Tổn thất do lỗi của con người trong cài đặt máy tại khu vực đúc
- Total link (Overall improvement in Injection molding line)
Themes for Smart Factory Initiatives
- Total link (Overall improvement in Injection molding line)
Are your measures against resin shortages and rising resin prices sufficient?
- Gran cutter (Improving the recycling rate)
Be free from conveyor! Automated factory with "Box Filling System"
- Box filling system (Operate for 24 hours and reduce manpower)
Make better use of operator by running the factory unattended for longer periods of time
- Box filling system (Operate for 24 hours and reduce manpower)
Peripheral equipment management using a take-out robot
- EXZⅡ (Reduce mold changing time and take-out time)
- Total link (Overall improvement in Injection molding line)
Easy to understand factory management by "Total Link"
- Total link (Overall improvement in Injection molding line)
Minimal noise and dust. Operator-friendly "Gran cutter"
- Gran cutter (Improving the recycling rate)
To reduce the pre-drying time by 50% with dehumidifying dryer
- Dehumidifying dryer (Quality stabilization)