Problems that may occur in grinding room

Problems that may occur in grinding room

Are you grinding defective molds and sprues together at a later date in grinding room?

This is a problem that occurred at one of our customers.
Mold interior parts for cars.One of the most common colors used in car interiors is ivory. It makes the interior brighter.Gray and black are used in many cars because they do not show dirt easily.

Company T's ivory and Company H's ivory are also different in brightness.
Company T's gray and Company H's gray are also different in lightness and darkness.Later on, they crushed all the sprues in crushing room, mixed Company T's graysprues with Company H's gray sprues, and used crushed materials for molding to produce a new gray product.

They said that it is easy to judge the difference in color between gray molded product of Company T and the gray molded product of Company H by comparing the products.

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Why did such a problem occur?

After investigating the cause of the problem, we found out that the lighting in crushing room was dark and it was difficult to distinguish the color of Company T's sprues from Company H's sprues when comparing the colors of individual sprues.

This was not a major problem as it was checked before delivery. However, if it had been delivered, it would have been a very big problem!


The solution was to install one Harmo SPC in each molding machine, and crush sprues on spot and return them immediately, thus eliminating need for work in crushing room and mixing of different colored resins.

The problem in crushing room has now been solved.

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Recommend for 
  • It is hard to use recycled materials recycled by conventional crusher
  • Having troubles of appearance defects because of dust
  • Trying to reduce cost by recycling expensive material

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